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European Council for Theological Education

Foundation Academy of Amsterdam is a full member of the European Council for Theological Education and, through this membership, is affiliated with the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). 

Global Universities in Distance Education

Foundation Academy of Amsterdam is one of the official members of GUIDE. GUIDE Association aims at promoting and enhancing the exchange of experiences and resources in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) already existing worldwide,  in order to improve international cooperation in the field of digital technologies applications and research. The mission of GUIDE is to provide a global cooperation model for “open” universities with different cultural, social and economic backgrounds, facilitating dialogue and interaction among public and private bodies and other institutional actors involved in distance education.


Madrid Open University


Madrid Open University & Foundation Academy of Amsterdam have signed academic collaboration agreement. This collaboration is based on academic, scientific and cultural agreement. 



Center for Theology of Migration at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Foundation Academy students with an Academic Diploma or Advanced Academic Diploma can now study at the postgraduate program for migrant pastors and church leaders at VU University, Center for Theology of Migration. This arrangement is only valid for the Postgraduate program for Migrant pastors and Church Leaders and is not meant for VU University’s Bachelor or Master programs. For further information please contact our office: 



Education is not a luxury for the rich and the powerful; education is a matter of human rights and human dignity!

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1103 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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