Human Rights education is about responsibility in creating and reclaiming sustainable development. The promotion of human rights, responsibility and sustainable development are the pillars of the education. Integrated Human Rights Education will facilitate the capacity of migrants to develop their own analysis on migrant rights, transnational responsibilities and sustainable development.
Education on Integrated Human Rights is an initiative of two actors. Foundation Academy of Amsterdam and the Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers. Within the years of campaigning for the rights of Migrants in the Netherlands. FU and CFMW has developed genuine partnership for the rights of migrants and eradication of racism and discrimination. Our common goal on educating migrants has brought us to organize this initiative, education on integrated human rights.
The Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers (CFMW) is an organization, registered as an International Foundation in the Netherlands since 1980) which works in partnership with Filipino migrant organizations in 14 countries in Europe. We aim to develop migrant empowerment through self-organization, education and campaigns for migrant rights, gender equality and welfare and for solidarity with migrants of other nationalities against racism and discrimination. CFMW aims to develop migrant empowerment through self-organization, education and campaigns for migrant rights, gender equality and welfare and for solidarity with migrants of other nationalities against racism and discrimination.
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School of Integrated Human Rights facilitates interactive learning and enhances holistic understanding on the human rights. Migrants’ rights, gender, racism and discrimination are part of the discussion. The student may choose between certificate or diploma program. Both programs are the same, except that the diploma program requires a final exam by the end of each module, whereby the certificate program is merely assignment based. Both programs are accredited by International Council for Higher Education.
Entry Requirements: None
This program is accredited by ICHE (International Council for Higher Education), a private Christian Accrediting organization with offices in Switzerland and India. Foundation Academy of Amsterdam does not issue Bachelor- and Master degrees and is not accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Organization (NVAO)
1st Pillar : Human Rights
to enable the migrant community to articulate their position from the perspective of human rights.
2nd pillar: Responsibility
to understand their role and responsibilities as Transnational social actor.
3rd pillar: Development
within the context of social, economic and political interdependence in the global arena, migrants will be able to contextualize the link between current unprecedented global crises, the devastation of livelihoods systems and migration/mobility.
1.To enhance Knowledge and Understanding:
-By the end of the training, learners will be able to articulate the link between their migration strategy and their fundamental human rights to strive for a better standard of living.
-By the end of the training, learners will be able to explain fundamental human rights principles and their applicability in their own situation as migrants in societies.
-By the end of the training, learners will be able to explain and debate the challenges of their life situation, from human rights lens and values such as equality and justice.
-Understanding rights and duties comprehensively as citizens within the framework of the UN Declaration of Human Rights is a step towards self- articulation of once analysis and positions which is based on own experience as migrants.
-Understanding the human rights concept and its historical development, linking it with the destruction of peoples’ livelihood systems and migration/mobility as an option for livelihood and development are crucial for the migrants to articulate their needs, analysis and solutions
2.To build skills for critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and decision-making.
3.To connect the human rights framework to the experience, life, and future of each participant.
4.Understanding global linkages and inter-dependencies among nations and peoples.
5.To build skills for protecting and promoting the human rights of others.